Putin Dickhead

Card on wall

I started this painting right after Putins invasion of Ukraine, and it’s inspired by a desire to mock and ridicule the insanely horrific and evil leader of Russia. Growing up in Sweden, we’ve had a weird relationship to this looming threat on and off throughout history, and I’d love to follow in the footsteps of great swedish artists who have been sued by the russian gov for making fun of them (not that I think my little contribution would get that kind of attention, haha, one could dream). But if it offends even a single putin-lover out there, it’s a win!

Greeting Card 11,7 x 18,2 cm

Wanna buy one?

6942 SATS

4,2 EUR

+ shipping fee (since that’s priced in EUR, SATS will differ, but generally ~1-2 EUR)
